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Pilkerton, C.*, Singh, S.*, Bias, T., Frisbee, S.  (In Press).  Health Care Resource Availability and Cardiovascular Health in the United States.  BMJ Open

Abildso, C., Dyer, A.*, Kristjansson, A., Mann, M., Bias, T., Coffman, J., Vasile, E., Davidov, D. (In Press). Evaluation of an Intimate Partner Violence Training for Home Visitors Using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Health Promotion Practice.

Feng, X*., Tan, X., Riley, B., Zheng, T., Bias, T., and Sambamoorthi, U. (In Press).  Polypharmacy and Multimorbidity Among Medicaid Enrollees - A Multi-State Analysis.  The Annals of Pharmacotherapy.

Feng, X.*, Tan, X., Zheng, T., Riley, B., Bias, T., Becker, J., and Sambamoorthi, U.  (In Press).  Prevalence and Geographic Variations of Polypharmacy Among West Virginia Medicaid Enrollees.  Population Health Management.

Agarwal P.*, Bias,, T., and Sambamoorthi, N.  (In Press).  Longitudinal Patterns of Emergency Department Visits:  A Multi-State Analysis of Medicaid Beneficiaries.  Health Services Research. Published first online October 21, 2016.

Bias, T., Abildso, C., Vasile, E., and Coffman, J.  (2017).  The Impact of Community Input in Community Health Needs Assessments.  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 23(S1):  S29-S33.

Alwhaibi M.*, Sambamoorthi U., Madhavan S., Bias T.,  Kelly K., and Walkup J.  (2017).  Cancer Type and the Risk of Newly-Diagnosed Depression Among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries with Incident Breast, Colorectal, and Prostate Cancer.  Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network.  15:46-55.

Alwhaibi M.*, Sambamoorthi U., Madhavan S., Bias T., Kelly K., Walkup J.  (2017) Depression Treatment among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries with Incident Cancer and Newly-Diagnosed Depression.  Psychiatric Services.   68(5), 482-489.

Bias, T. and Abildso, C.  (2017).  Measuring Policy and Related Effects of a Health Impact Assessment Related to Connectivity.  Preventive Medicine.  95(S1), S92-S94. 

Agarwal, P.*, Bias, T., Madhavan, S., Sambamoorthi, N., Frisbee, S., and  Sambamoorthi, U.  (2016).  Factors Associated with Emergency Department Visits:  A Multi-State Analysis of Fee-for-Service Medicaid Beneficiaries.  Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology.  3, 1-7.

Abildso CG, Shawley S*, Owens S*, Dyer A*, Bulger SM, Jones DL, Jones EM, Murphy E, Olfert MD, Elliott E. An Evaluability Assessment of the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan, 2015: Lessons Learned for Other State Physical Activity Plans. Prev Chronic Dis 2016;13:160307. doi: https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd13.160307.

Thayer, J.* and Bias, T.  (2016).  Exploring the Impact of Medicaid Expansion on West Virginia’s Primary Care System.  West Virginia Medical Journal. Online, Open-Access.  DOI:  10.21885/wvmj.2016.13

Abildso CG, Ahmadi-Montecalvo H*, DePasquale S. Factors associated with overweight and obesity among foster care children and adolescents in West Virginia. W V Med J 2016 (September 13); http://dx.doi.org/10.21885/wvmj.2016.7.

Ahmadi-Montecalvo H*, Owens S*, DePasquale S, Abildso CG. Tobacco and other drug use among foster care adolescents in West Virginia. Am J Health Behav 2016; 40(5): 659-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.40.5.13. 

Chopra, I.* and Bias, T. (2016).  Reviewing Risks and Benefits of Low-Dose Computed Tomography Screening for Lung Cancer.  Postgraduate Medicine. 128(2), 254-261.

Zizzi SJ, Lima Fogaca J*, Sheehy T*, Welsh M, Abildso C. Changes in weight loss, health behaviors, and intentions among 400 participants who dropped out from an insurance-sponsored, community-based weight management program. J Obes 2016 (June); Article ID 7562890. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/7562890.

Umstattd Meyer MR, Moore JB, Abildso CG, Edwards MB, Gamble A, Baskin ML. Rural active living: a call to action. J Public Health Manag Pract 2016; 22(5): E11-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/PHH.0000000000000333.

Fitzgerald, P. and Bias, T. (2016).  Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions for Health Insurance Marketplaces:  Evidence from a Partnership State. Journal of Consumer Affairs.  Fall, 638-651.

Zizzi S, Kadushin P*, Michel J*, Abildso C. Client experiences with dietary, exercise, and behavioral services in a community-based weight management program. Health Promot Pract 2016;17(1):98-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1524839915610316.

Bias, T., Abildso, C., Coffman, J., and Vasile, E.  (2015).  Bridging the Divide between Policymakers and Public Health Researchers.  Special Series by the American Public Health Association and the American Planning Association on Building Bridges between Public Health and Community Planning.  Built Environment and Public Health Clearinghouse.

Agarwal, P*., Bias, T., Vasile, E., Moore L., Davis S.*, Davidoff, D.  (2015).  Exploring Health Insurance Status and Emergency Department Utilization.  Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology.  Published Online.

Bias, T., Fitzgerald, P., and Agarwal, P.* (2015).  Changing Awareness of the Health Insurance Marketplace.  American Journal of Public Health. 105 (S5), S633-S636.

Pilkerton, C*., Singh, S*., Bias, T., and Frisbee, S.  (2015).  Changes in Cardiovascular Health in the United States, 2003-2011.  Journal of the American Heart Association. 4(9).

Bias, T., Leyden K., and Zimmerman, J.* (2015).  Exploring Policymaker Perceptions of Small City Downtowns in the United States.  Planning Practice and Research.  30(5), 497-513.

Barnes R, Bauman AE, Giles-Corti B, Knuiman MW, Rosenberg M, Leyden KM, Abildso CG, Reger-Nash B. Motivated to walk but nowhere to walk to: differential effect of a mass media campaign by mix of local destinations. Prev Med Reports 2015;2:403-405. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.04.020.

Bias TK, Abildso CG, Vasile E, Coffman J. (2015, October 23) Bridging the divide between policymakers and public health researchers. Special Series by the American Public Health Association and the American Planning Association on Building Bridges between Public Health and Community Planning. Built Environment and Public Health Clearinghouse. Available at: http://bephc.gatech.edu/blog/bridging-divide-policymakers-and-public-health-researchers or https://gtbephc.wordpress.com/2015/12/14/bridging-the-divide-policymakers-and-public-health-researchers/.

M. Paula Fitzgerald, Thomas K. Bias and Tami Gurley-Calvez (2015). The Affordable Care Act and Consumer Well-Being: Knows and Unknowns. The Journal of Consumer Affairs. Available: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/joca.12059/abstract.

Thomas K. Bias, Kevin M. Leyden & Jeremy Zimmerman (2015): Exploring Policy-Maker Perceptions of Small City Downtowns in the USA, Planning Practice & Research, DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2015.1023074.

Bias Thomas K., Fitzgerald M. Paula, Agarwal Parul, and Vasile Emily. Population Health Management. August 2015, 18(4): 307-313. doi:10.1089/pop.2014.0086
Bias TK, Fitzgerald MP, Gurley­Calvez T. Strategies for Policy Evaluation of Health Insurance Marketplaces. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : JPHMP. 2015 January/February;21(1):62­8.

Zizzi S, Abildso CG, Henderson NI, Cobb KV. The West Virginia PEIA Weight Management Program: An Innovative Approach to Obesity Prevention and Treatment in Appalachian Communities. In Brennan VM, Kumanyika SK, Zambrana RE, eds. Obesity Interventions in Underserved Communities: Evidence and Directions (2014).

Abildso, C.G., Schmid, O.,Byrd, M., Zizzi,S. Quartiroli, A., & Fitzpatrick, S.J. (2014) Predictors of Weight Loss Maintenance following an Insurance-Sponsored Weight Management Program. Journal of Obesity, vol. 2014, Article ID 736080, 12 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/736080. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jobe/2014/736080/

Reger-Nash B, Bauman A, Abildso C, Zullig K, Cottrell L, Gurka M. Wheeling Walks: A targeted mass-media-led physical activity campaign. In: Pate R, Buchner D, eds. Implementing Physical Activity Strategies. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2014).
Abildso, C. G., Zizzi, S., & Fitzpatrick, S. J. (2013). Predictors of Clinically Significant Weight Loss and Participant Retention in an Insurance-Sponsored Community-Based WeightManagement Program. Health Promotion Practice, 14(4), 580-588 doi:10.1177/1524839912462393

Abildso, C. G., Zizzi, S. J., Selin, S., & Gordon, P. M. (2012). Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of a Community Rail-Trail in Achieving Physical Activity Gains. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 30(2), 102-113.

Bua-Iam P, Bias TK. Estimating worklife return on investment of WVDRS youth and older consumers with significant disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration. 35, 17-36, 2011.

Bua-Iam P, Bias TK. Economic impacts of WVDRS on consumers with significant disabilities: realistic return-on-investment models for state-federal VR programs. Journal of Rehabilitation. 77(3), 25-30, 2011

Abildso, C. G., Zizzi, S. J., & Reger-Nash, B. (2010). Evaluating an insurance-sponsored weight management program with the RE-AIM model, West Virginia, 2004-2008. Preventing Chronic Disease, (7 (3)). http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/may/09_0114.htm

Abildso, C., Zizzi, S., Gilleland, D., Thomas, J., & Bonner, D. (2010). A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a 12-Week Insurance-Sponsored Weight Management Program Incorporating Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4(4), 278-294.

Bias TK, Abildso CA, Leyden KM, Reger-Nash B, Bauman A. The importance of being parsimonious: reliability of a brief community walkability assessment instrument. Health and Place. 16, 755-758, 2010.

Maddock JE, Reger-Nash B, Leyden KM, Bias TK. Public health policy priorities among decision makers in Hawaii. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 6, 386-390, 2010.

Leyden KM, Reger-Nash B, Bauman A, Bias TK. Changing the hearts & minds of policymakers: An exploratory study associated with the West Virginia Walks campaign. American Journal of Health Promotion. 22, 204-207, 2008.

Bias TK, Brisbin Jr. RA, Leyden KM. Citizen evaluations of West Virginia government: stability and change 1992-2006. West Virginia Public Affairs Reporter. 23, 2-6, 2007.

Harris, CV, Bradlyn, AS, Coffman, J, Gunel, E, & Cottrell, L. (2008).  BMI-based Body Size Guides for Women and Men: Development and Validation of a Novel Pictorial Method to Assess Weight-related Concepts.  International Journal of Obesity, 32, 336-342.


*denotes current or former undergraduate or graduate student mentee