Celebrate Spring with OLLI at WVU!

Twenty-one days until spring! I kept this in mind as I swept three inches of snow off my car this morning so I could come to work.

The OLLI spring catalogs for Morgantown arrived in the office yesterday afternoon so it's time to start watching your mailboxes. You can also read the catalog online at https://olliatwvu.org/media/5669/olli-2019-spring-morgantown-catalog.pdf. Registration begins Monday, March 18. 

In addition to the 59 classes and events listed in the catalog, we will also be offering Birding West Virignia, with Joey Herron, Apil 23 - May 7. See the article in today's bulletin or page 24 of the catalog online for more information.

Mark your calendars to join us on Thursday, March 21, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. for our Spring Open House at the Mountaineer Mall. 

And don't forget that we still have a few events this month as well. We still have open seats in our Team Trivia game night next Thursday; the double-feature Film Forum, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Forbidden Planet, on March 26, and a visit to the WVU planetarium on March 27. 

I hope to see you at one of these upcoming events!
