Delta Omega online service opportunities

For the month of December, Delta Omega is offering two completely online service opportunities: Practicing Gratitude Course and Diversity Awareness Course to earn a FEMA certificate. Delta Omega eligibility requirements are two service events per year during the last two years for undergraduate students and all years for graduate students.

Delta Omega: Practicing Gratitude Course
Discover the benefits of daily gratitude practice and learn how to incorporate gratefulness and gratitude into your daily routine. This event is open until December 31, 2021 and is worth 2.5 service hours. Get more information and sign up.

Delta Omega FEMA Certificate: Diversity Awareness Course
This course recognizes the benefits of diversity and FEMA’s commitment to valuing diversity. This event is open until December 31, 2021 and is worth 4 service hours. Get more information and sign up. Download the course flyer.