From the Director - Special Edition, Charleston

On this dreary Monday morning, I am struggling with what to say. The sad and scary events of the past week have touched so many of us.

May we cherish the memory of those who so tragically lost their lives Saturday morning at a synagogue in Pittsburgh:

  • Joyce Fienburg, 75
  • Richard Gottfried, 65
  • Rose Mallinger, 97
  • Jerry Rabinowitz, 66
  • Cecil Rosenthal, 59
  • David Rosenthal, 54
  • Bernice Simon, 84
  • Sylvan Simon, 86
  • Daniel Stein, 71
  • Melvin Wax, 88
  • Irving Younger, 69

We also remember Maurice Stallard and Vickie Jones, killed Wednesday in Kentucky in an alleged racially motivated hate crime.

In the current climate of such extremism and divisiveness, I hope that we can reach across what separates us and come together in love and humanity. At OLLI, we welcome diversity. Exposure to new and different ideas is what OLLI is all about – we encourage our members to embrace this philosophy. Hatred and violence should have no place in our hearts and in our society.
