Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Winter Solstice! The shortest day and longest night of the year. The start of a new season and days growing longer again. Ten days later, we celebrate the arrival of a new year, 2019. Then the new OLLI term. As time marches on, we are constantly presented with the promise of something new. The start of each new hour, day, week, month, or year can present us with a new beginning, a new decision to make, or a new experience. Time continually brings us another opportunity to choose peace, love, happiness, friendship, and to embrace challenge, change, action, and growth.

Most of the time, the choices we make are simple and even subconscious. But sometimes, we struggle; we may feel there really is no choice. The holiday season can be a difficult one for some people.

If you know someone who might be struggling this holiday season, I hope that you are able to reach out. If you are the one who is struggling, there are resources available. Call a friend or family member, contact your house of worship, or visit website for a list of depression hotline numbers. https://pyschcentral.com/lib/depression-hotline.

I hope that during the remainder of this holiday season and throughout the year ahead, you are able to find what you want and receive what you need.

And take a minute to look up at the sky tonight. We’ll have a full cold moon and meteor shower.