HSC Students that have completed rotation: A Chance to win $500

Have you completed a rotation? Would you like a chance to win $500?

Dear WVU Health Profession Student, Would you like to quadruple your chances at winning $500? The WV Area Health Education Center (WV AHEC) under the leadership of Sandra Pope, MSW requests that you complete a free, online WV AHEC Enhanced Learning Opportunity Module prior to or after completing your community-based rotation. There are six topics. With the completion of just one topic unit and the post-rotation survey, your name will be entered four times in a drawing to win $500. These enhanced units allow for a more in-depth understanding of core values found in the AHEC program and take approximately 45 minutes to complete. You will be sent instructions to complete the survey following the completion of your rotation.

Inter-professional Education
Behavioral Health Integration
Social Determinants of Health
Cultural Competency
Practice Transformation
Current and Emerging Health Issues

Refusal to participate or withdrawal will involve no penalty and will not affect your grades or class standing in any way. If you choose to participate, you will need access to SOLE. To be added to the course and for questions, please contact Brianna Sheppard, PhD at 304-293-1444 (absheppard@hsc.wvu.edu). Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation and participation.