Jims of Wyzdom for October 5, 2018

Opera: Just a reminder that the Met Live in HD begins tomorrow at the Regal Hollywood cinemas. First up is the super-grand opera, “Aida,” with Anna Netrebko in the lead. Showtime is about 1 PM. Bonnie and I have to be in Pittsburgh for an all-day religious association meeting, but we’ve seen this production. SO, enjoy!

Autumn: October is my favorite month, especially for those breezy days with the falling leaves blowing across the lawn or roads. It’s a great time to take a day-drive to part of the state especially known for its fall colors. After seeing this report on the 9/11 plane crash site near Shanksville, PA, we want to go see that with the recently opened tower that sounds like a giant wind-chime. Another great thing to do this month is the wonderful craft fair at Bedford. If you drive I-68 to Cumberland, then head north as you are about to leave town on the east side, it’ll take you there. It may be this weekend or next…check it out on-line.

One of the greatest handicaps is to fear a mistake. You have stopped yourself.You have to move freely into the arena, not just to wait for the perfect situation, the perfect moment…If you have to make a mistake, it’s better to make a mistake of action than one of inaction. I I had the opportunity again, I would take chances. [Director Federico Fellini]

We’re closing out the first week of the fall OLLI term. I hope everyone is enjoying all the classes offered, meeting new friends, and especially greeting and welcoming new members. A tradition they have at Chautauqua that I like is every Sunday morning in the Amp when the president or pastor asks all those visiting for the first time to stand and be welcomed with hugs and applause. Those of us teaching might just try that in our classes. People love to feel welcome!

It is really something of a feat to have lived 75 years, in spite of illnesses, germs, accidents, disasters, and wars. And now every fresh day finds me more filled with wonder and better qualified to draw the last drop of delight from it. [Writer Maurice Goudeket]

Aging Gracefully: I am just about to turn 73—next week—but I keep saying I won’t consider myself “old” until I’m 75. Sitting here in the Writers Group allows me to reflect and think about how we age as gracefully as we can. I am so impressed with those of us that have reached into the 90s and are still kicking up their heels…OK, perhaps with a walker, but still alive to ideas, stories and comradeship from like-minded people. We can’t forecast when the sometime heavy hand of disease may attempt to strike us down, but with all this life experience, can’t we just rise above it and continue to be that survivor we know we are on our insides? I wonder what it would be like if a bunch of us decided a good class would be the Aging Interest group where we sit in a circle and share our experiences of aging and tell stories about how we learned…and then beat our drums for a while. Rather than denying our years, maybe it’s time to really share our wyzdom with other wyze-folk. Hmmm…maybe the School of Public Health could lead it?

I really thought I could do something to change the world. I oon found out you can’t change the world. The best you can do is learn to live with it. [Writer Henry Miller]

The trick is growing up without growing old. [Baseball manager Casey Stengel]

Trick or Treat, Jim