Jims of Wyzdom, November 16

What? Is that rain…is that snow? It’s a month until real winter so mama nature must be giving us a preview of things to come. With the exception of our continuing Interest Groups, our fall term is officially over. After we watch the blackest of all black comedy satires this afternoon in Film Forum, that, too will retire for the winter. By the way, I’ve been passing out ballots for the spring Film Forum, “The Greatest Year Ever: 1939.” I put some in the office, so anyone that wants to have a vote, go for it. The top vote getters will comprise our spring series.

Well, I’ll tell you, young fella, to be truthful and honest and perfectly frank about it, I’m 83 years old, which ain’t bad. To be truthful and honest and frank about it, the thing I’d like to be right now is an astronaut! [Baseball Manager Casey Stengel]

Movies and such: We went to the Regal on Tuesday for a one-time viewing of Cirque d’Soleil’s KURIOS, an enormously creative and entertaining mélange of all they do best. If you didn’t know about this, you might want to make sure you have made a bookmark on your computer for Regal Hollywood cinema, Morgantown. That’s who hosts our Met in HD series and many other things. No computer? Have the kids do it…and I’ll try to keep you up on special things.

Cloud 9: The School of Theatre is producing this Caryl Churchill play this week and perhaps after Thanksgiving break. I have to tell you I’ll never do a class on her work. If you won’t be offended by gender bending, near obscene dialog about the evils of British colonialism, sex roles, etc., then go. Just don’t expect me to be there! People seem to either love or despise Churchill’s work. Guess which column I’m in…!

In youth we learn, in age we understand. [Writer Marie Ebner-Eschenbach]

Thanksgiving: It’s next week, November 22. I love this holiday that transcends religion and exists just to be grateful. Each of our faith traditions certainly includes time to express gratitude, but this day makes it easy to do it for real. Now, mind you, many of us can look back on god-awful family affairs that seemed more about political fights and football games than just enjoying the fellowship of aunts, uncles and cousins. Bonnie’s 5'2” mom had to wedge her FDR-Liberal-self between her three huge brothers to stop a political brawl and decreed there would be no more politics or religion on pain of banishment. Ever have one of those? I had one aunt who always brought her famous molded Jello salad…and then would be the first to announce, loudly, that she didn’t know what the best dish on the table was if it wasn’t the Jello salad. But since, “in age we understand,” we have grown beyond all that and can invite friends and kith and ken to our table for a real, sincere grace to descend on us all as we are thankful for so much.  Thank you, OLLI, thank you Jae, thank you Linda, thank you Diane and Michelle and all our volunteers and members.

You have to be at peace with yourself. I love to laugh. I think laughter can cure. You can see it in a person’s face. Around age 40, when your face has lost the glow of youth, what you are inside starts to form on the outside. Either the lines go up or they go down. If they go up, that’s a good sign. [Actress Elizabeth Taylor]

Grace and Peace to all…
