Looking Ahead with OLLI at WVU

Many of you received earlier this week OLLI's annual fall fundraising appeal letter. As a member and/or friend of OLLI, you have told us how important the lifelong learning opportunities and social connections the program offers are.

As a member myself, I share your enthusiasm for the program. I've often said this is the best job I've ever had but I also can't wait to retire so I can take more classes. I've already learned so much in the three short years that I've been here.

And I want to be sure that others can share the OLLI experience for many years to come, as I'm sure you do as well. That's why I'm also a sustaining donor. 

Sustaining gifts provide ongoing, monthly support for OLLI. And it's easy for the donor! Just like directing income to your Christmas Club account, or investing monthly, you decide how much you wish to give. You can change or cancel at anytime. By paying with a credit card, it's as easy as paying your Netflix subscription!

I hope you'll join me in becoming an OLLI sustaining donor this fall. Sustaining donors make a BIG impact with a small monthly gift.

Visit https://olliatwvu.org/make-a-gift/ to help keep OLLI sustainable for years to come!

Thank you!
Jascenna Haislet
Director, OLLI at WVU