OLLI Has a Seat for You!

In the fall of 2016, OLLI formed a committee in Charleston of nine wonderful women who volunteered to represent the interests of members in the Kanawha Valley and help grow the program. Starting with just 32 members during 2015-16, OLLI in the Kanawha Valley has grown to over 200 members. Much of the thanks for this success goes to our incredibly talented instructors and the hard work of this dedicated women on the committee.

Most of the committee members have agreed to stay on for another year, continuing the work they have started. However, we believe it is time to welcome new committee members as well. The committee meets two to four times each year in Charleston to discuss ideas for classes, strategies for recruiting instructors and new OLLI members, and any opportunities and challenges we might be facing. Some committee business, such as approving course proposals, is conducted throughout the year via email among committee members and the OLLI director.  Committee members play an active role in recruiting volunteer instructors each term, distributing course catalogs throughout the Kanawha Valley, representing OLLI at community health and information fairs, and serving as ambassadors for our program.

If you are interested in joining OLLI’s Charleston committee, please contact the OLLI director, Jascenna Haislet, at jascenna.haislet@hsc.wvu.edu or 304-293-1793.