OLLI's Next Adventure

In the past three years, OLLI has taken close to a dozen day trips around the region, including our trip to Pittsburgh on Wednesday evening to visit the Phipps Conservatory Winter Flower Show and Light Garden. Forty-six members OLLI members enjoyed the holiday spectacle on a beautiful chilly night. It even began to snow as we were departing.

Phipps Conservatory Light Garden   

Phipps Conservatory Light Garden        Phipps Conservatory Light Garden

You can see these images and more on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/olliatwvu/.

As we continue planning upcoming OLLI adventures, we want to hear from you. We have developed a short survey to help us plan the best possible experiences. Please take a minute and visit https://olliatwvu.wufoo.com/forms/q9yyn2f1rs04k2/ to let us know what our next adventure should be!