Public Health professor appointed as review panel co-chair for National Institutes of Health
West Virginia University School of Public Health Professor Ranjita Misra, PhD, will co-chair a review panel for the CSR’s study section focused on Implementation Research on Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors among LMIC Populations, which comprises researchers and implementation scientists around the globe.
In her role as reviewer and co-chair, Dr. Misra will facilitate fair and objective discussions of grant proposals. When the NIH receives grant applications, they initially go to the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) to ensure a fair, independent, expert, and timely review to provide funding for the most promising research. Dr. Misra has been an NIH grant reviewer for two decades.
“The advantage of being a reviewer and co-chair of an NIH review panel with highly talented scientists is the understanding of various designs and aims proposed by investigators," Misra said. "I always learn a lot from discussions as it improves my skills as a reviewer and as a researcher."