SPH names Diversity Task Force
A Message from Dean Coben:
The School of Public Health (SPH) is committed to diversity among our students, staff and faculty and to a respectful and inclusive climate that’s open and welcoming to everyone. Since our establishment in 2012, the SPH’s stated values have included the promotion of equity and social justice and the respect for diverse points of view, cultural heritage and traditions of all people. As we now embark upon the development of our strategic plan for the future, it is essential that we maintain formal structures and processes to help achieve our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Towards that end, I have established the SPH Diversity Task Force.
The fundamental purpose of the Task Force is to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion are incorporated as overarching foci in the School of Public Health. The following individuals will serve as members of the Task Force:
- Dr. Linda Alexander: Senior Associate Dean for Academic, Student and Faculty Affairs
- Ms. Tara Davis: Administrative Associate, Academic and Student Affairs
- Ms. Audra Hamrick: Director of Public Health Practice and Service Learning
- Ms. Shonnette Kingston: Chief of Staff
- Mr. Scot McIntosh: Director of Career Development and Student Success
- Ms. Tiffany Salamone: Administrative Assistant, Academic and Student Affairs
- Dr. Sarah Woodrum: Senior Associate Dean for Administration
The Task Force will be charged with completing the following activities in 2019:
- Actively participate in the school’s strategic planning process to ensure that the principles and values of diversity, equity and inclusion are reflected in the final strategic plan
- Actively participate on the recently established Health Sciences Center Diversity Committee
- Actively participate and represent the SPH on relevant University initiatives and committees
- Actively participate and represent the SPH on relevant national initiatives undertaken by our professional societies (APHA and ASPPH)
- Complete the implicit bias training developed by Harvard University and establish a plan for implicit bias training of all SPH personnel
- Review the findings and recommendations of previously published reports and provide subsequent recommendations to the Dean for the structures, processes and activities needed to ensure a robust ongoing focus on diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the SPH. These documents should include but are not limited to: the 2018 ASPPH Diversity and Inclusion Survey Report; the SPH 2014 Self-Study document; the CEPH 2016 Accreditation Standards for Diversity; the 2018 report of the SPH ad hoc diversity committee; and the diversity initiatives and activities described by other schools of public health.