SPH SPOTLIGHT:  Louise Moore, RN

As part of the SPH plan to promote the work of our members, we are highlighting opportunities for collaboration in research, service engagement, and more.

Some of you may have had the pleasure of working with Louise Moore. Louise is a Registered Nurse who has extensive experience working with clinical trials. She is currently working as a research nurse in the Health Research Center interpreting health related information for the WV Insurance Exchange Evaluation as well as assisting with the Community Transformation Grant performance monitoring and evaluation of clinical and preventive services. Please keep Louise in mind when your research may require her skill set.


Louise Moore is a Registered Nurse with an Associate of Science Degree in Nursing from Fairmont State University. Previous research experiences include her position as a Research Nurse for the WVU Section of Cardiology and as Clinical Research Coordinator with the University of Virginia Center for Psychiatric Clinical Research. In her present position, Ms. Moore has assisted with the Zamzee Activity study and was involved with the State Health Access Program (SHAP) WV Connect Program Evaluation, the WV Diabetes Prevention and Control Evaluation as well as the WV Cardiovascular Prevention Evaluation projects. She currently works with the Health Research Center on the WV Insurance Exchange Evaluation and the Community Transformation Grant. Her interests are primarily in chronic disease prevention and access to health care.


  • Served as a health care provider(Registered Nurse)in the hospital and clinic settings.
  • Coordinated Industry Sponsored clinical trials research studies.
  • Coordinated performance monitoring activities for Community Transformation Grant (CTG).
  • Coordinated and administered monthly/quarterly reporting for CTG.
  • Assisted and developed informant interview questions and interviewed administrators, healthcare providers, as well as patient enrollees.
  • Developed surveys from the interview findings.
  • Worked with faculty to develop WVU IRB protocols for chart audits and follow-up interviews.
  • Assisted with the review and interpretation of clinical data.
  • Conducted literature searches.
  • Assisted with development of presentations and materials for dissemination of lessons learned and evaluation findings.
  • Assisted with the development of a data inventory of existing sources that can inform the evaluation plan process.
  • Assisted with the facilitation of stakeholder and partner meetings.
  • Assisted with the review of potential health and insurance outcome measures and key health related metrics.
  • Assisted the research team in the interpretation of all health related terms, conditions, and issues.
  • Served to define expected health outcomes and understand secondary data sources that are being collected.

You are encouraged to contact Louise to discuss her availability for your current and future research opportunities.
