Submit nominations for HSC graduate student awards

The HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education is pleased to announce that nominations are open for the 3rd Annual Graduate Student Outstanding Leadership Award and Graduate Student Outstanding Service Award and one new award, Graduate Student Outstanding Mountaineer Values Award.

We are immensely proud of all of our graduate students. These awards are meant to honor those that go above and beyond to give back to our university and community.

The Awards

Service: This individual will have demonstrated a commitment to service that has had a positive impact on West Virginia University, the surrounding community, region and or state. There are many different ways to serve and we want to acknowledge the creative ways our students may have taken this on.

Leadership: This individual will have demonstrated effective leadership within existing organizations or taken the lead in the development of new programs or opportunities that extend support and learning to their peers and the greater WVU community. There are many types and levels of leadership and we want to acknowledge the creative ways our students may have taken this on.

Mountaineer Values: This individual will have demonstrated an embodiment of the values of West Virginia University. Mountaineer values are those of service, curiosity, respect, accountability and appreciation.

Award recipients will receive professional development funds in the amount of $1,500 to be spent in the 2022-2023 academic year.


The nomination process involves submitting some basic information on the candidate in the electronic form and then attaching a nomination letter within the system. Co-nominations will be accepted and multiple letters of support can be uploaded.

Nominations are due by March 22, 2022.

Complete Nomination Form


A committee of graduate students, faculty and staff will review nominations and recommend top candidate applications to our office. The winners will be notified by email and the office will announce in our weekly newsletter and on social media.

Thank you for considering nomination of an outstanding graduate student for one or more of these awards. Please contact Julie Lockman or Connor Ferguson with any questions.