Tech Questions? Expanded Start-of-the-Year Ask-a-Geek Session Coming!

Did you get any new tech for the holiday? Do you have any old tech lying around unused because you can’t figure out to how to use it?

OLLI is having a special extended Ask-a-Geek session on Tuesday, January 14th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, where you can bring in your tech questions and a field of handsome volunteers will help you try and figure things out!

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Classroom B

Assisting me will be the following:

Michael Hyde – Michelle’s husband who was voluntold for this gig.

Tony White  – Tony White has about 10 years of IT experience where he started at WVNet as a NOC operator and quickly moved onto WVU where he has worn many different hats over the years from anything to do with servers and virtualization to deskside support.  Tony also ran a small IT consulting company for several years working with area businesses and home users to meet their IT needs.  Most notably, Tony co-managed all of the WVU IT Services supported Apple devices.  Apple is not a 4 letter word to this guy and he is excited to take a bite out of your Apple questions.

Bill Stewart – Bill’s IT experience goes back to 1972 when he entered Northern Virginia Community College and received his AAS in what was then called data processing technology in 1975. He then attended American University. He started working for various agencies in the Federal Government in 1975 doing everything from COBOL programming to Systems Programming where he was using IBM Assembler language to install and maintain IBM operating systems. After 10 years he started working for what is now Bloomberg/BNA first doing work on mainframe computers, then building Windows and Linux servers. He retired in 2013.

So plan to come into this extended Ask-a-Geek session on Tuesday the 14th!