Winter Course Proposals Due Today

It's not too late to submit a proposal to teach for OLLI during our upcoming winter term! But the deadline is today, Friday, November 9, at 5:00 p.m.

OLLI at WVU is seeking volunteer instructors to teach a wide variety of courses for our winter term, including the arts, literature, history, philosophy and religion, current events, political affairs, science, math, health and wellness, and more. Classes, one to four sessions long, are offered 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, although evening and weekend classes are encouraged as well. The winter term runs January 22 through February 16. The deadline for fall class proposals is officially 5:00 p.m. today (although we all know I won't look at them over the weekend so as long as I receive your proposal by Monday morning, it will be considered.)

OLLI at WVU depends on the generosity of volunteers to teach the quality courses and learning experiences offered throughout the year. Drawn from all walks of life, many OLLI instructors are current and retired teachers, university professors and administrators, business and civic leaders, and other professionals from the community who wish to share their knowledge and passion.

To submit a proposal or for more information, including FAQs, visit or email