Trying New Things: Interested in Helping Out?

We're going to be trying out some new technologies here in the coming weeks and months.We are hoping to switch how the Friday bulletins are sent out, and also how our newsfeed is created (which then creates the Friday Bulletin).

I'm looking for volunteers for receive email from the new hosting service for the Friday Bulletin. Just be aware that I am still testing things, so the look will change as we get feedback, and it may take me a bit to get the separate feeds for Morgantown and Charleston ironed out.

If you're still intersted in being a guinea pig after all those warnings, you can sign up here:

Additionally, I am working on a new site where our news items will be hosted. This new blog will be searchable AND browsable, and (drum roll) you can make comments! (TA DA!) Again, this site is still under construction, but if you'd like to view it and give us feed back, the site is at:

And lastly, the ability to comment has the possibility for creating problems even while it opens up communication. I am looking for people who are willing to keep an eye on the blog comments and alert staff to spam or abuse. If you're interested in helping us keep conversations on the blog positive and spam free, please email me and we can get you started!