Would You Like to Help Test Our On-Line Course?

We are in the midst of setting up the system we hope to use for making online content available in a more restricted environment than an open website, and would like your feedback on what materials you would like to be available on our online course, such as discussion boards, polls, and posted course materials.

We are also hoping to make online voting for the OLLI annual meeting available this year through this online site.

If you would like to check out the online course content site, or if you would like to use online voting this year, please send an email to michelle.klishis@hsc.wvu.edu, with your first and last name and preferred email address, and I will create an account for you, and send you your login credentials and instructions.

If you are already using Blackboard Open Education, you can just send in your login, but if you have no idea what I’m talking about (this should be the overwhelming majority of you), you do NOT have an existing Blackboard Open Education login, so just send in your email address, and your first and last name.
