WVU Newman Civic Fellowship-application due January 15

The Newman Civic Fellowship is a program for community-committed students at Campus Compact member institutions. The fellowship provides training and resources that nurture and develop students’ assets and passions to help them develop innovative and collaborative strategies to bring about social change. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides learning opportunities focused on the skills and aptitudes fellows need in order to serve as effective agents of change in addressing public problems and in building equitable communities.

The fellowship experience is a one-year experience in which fellows have access to in-person and virtual learning opportunities, networking events, and local mentors. All fellows are also invited to join a national network of similarly community-committed peers. Fellows are selected each spring, and the fellowship begins the following academic year.

Eligibility Criteria

The Newman Civic Fellowship is intended to honor the leadership legacy of Frank Newman by recognizing community-committed students who:

  • Engage in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change
  • Take action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization
  • Demonstrate the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement

In addition to these core characteristics, Newman Civic Fellow nominees must also meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Nominee must be currently enrolled at a Campus Compact *member institution [*WVU is a member institution]. 
  • Nominee must be nominated by the president or chancellor of their institution
  • Each institution may nominate only one student
  • For institutions with both undergraduate and graduate programs, presidents and chancellors are encouraged to recommend the most deserving student, with preference given to undergraduate students
  • In keeping with Frank Newman's passion for educational access, we encourage presidents and chancellors to give preference to students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in higher education
  • Nominee must have at least one year of their education remaining (either at their current institution or at a different one)
  • Nominees must commit to providing a short reflection piece (video, article, or letter format) to Campus Compact during their fellowship year
  • Nominee's institution must commit to helping the nominee identify a local mentor for the duration of the fellowship

If you would like to be considered for the West Virginia University Newman Civic Fellow nomination, please complete this short application no later than Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET

For questions, please contact Cate Johnson in the ASPIRE Office at cate.johnson@mail.wvu.edu.