WVU WRC, LGBTQ+ Center to host funny, educational event on women’s sexuality and female pleasure

Join the WVU Women’s Resource Center and the LGBTQ+ Center in celebrating International Women’s Day by attending a funny, educational, inclusive program about women’s sexuality and pleasure.

As one of the most fun and popular college sex education programs in the country, this event has been presented over 1,000 times to hundreds of thousands of people at colleges and organizations nationwide. WVU students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the hybrid event on Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m.

Join in person at the Gluck Theatre in the Mountainlair; attend a remote viewing in Erma Byrd 201 on the Health Sciences campus, in RCB 322 at WVU Tech, or in the Davis Conference Room at Potomac State College; or watch via Zoom from the comfort of your home.

Registration is not required to attend in person or at one of the satellite locations, but to attend virtually, please register online.

The WRC and LGBTQ+ Center invite all to join the conversation, and laugh and learn from sex educators Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller as they cover everything about our bodies and our sexuality, the diversity of sexual experiences, pleasure and intimacy.

Through humor, honesty and respect, this event welcomes all genders and orientations, and emphasizes an underlying message of sexual health and women's empowerment.

This event is supported in part by the Big 12 Violence and Discrimination Awareness and Prevention Fund.