Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education-State Education (AWARE-SEA)
The WV Department of Education was awarded two five year grants (AWARE 1 in 2020, AWARE 2 in 2021) from SAMHSA to increase/improve mental health services to youth.
AWARE 1 focuses on Cabell, Clay, Fayette counties and AWARE 2 targets Harrison, Logan, and Wirt Counties.
Partnering organizations include the Bureau for Behavioral Health, Marshall University and the WVPRC.
The WVPRC is the WV Project AWARE evaluator. The evaluation consists of both process and outcome measures. Ongoing process evaluation assesses project progress to allow for timely adjustment and improvement in project delivery. Outcome evaluation focuses on the extent of WV’s achievement of stated project goals. The evaluation design supports the assessment of broad Project goals including infrastructure development, service delivery, and sustainability in addressing students’ mental health needs.