Budgeting of Funds

The WVU fiscal year covers July 1 through June 30. Approximately 4-6 months from the end of the current fiscal year, a budgeting process will begin and continue until a budget is finalized for the next fiscal year. Allocations of central funds will be determined by the Health Sciences Center (HSC) Office of Finance and communicated to the Dean of the SPH. Input from Chairpersons and other faculty and staff, as needed, will be collected and collated by the SPH Accountant to form a draft budget. The draft budget will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Finance and Administration and submitted for approval to the Dean. Once approved and finalized, the budget will be submitted back to HSC Finance and then entered into the Mountaineer Administrative Processes (MAP) system.

Grants/Contracts budgets are determined on a project by project basis. Please see separate Grants Management SOG Manual.

As the fiscal year progresses, chairpersons and/or center directors, with assistance from departmental/center representatives, are responsible for monitoring and/or approving spending from their budgets, ensuring spending does not exceed the allocated budget. Departmental representatives have MAP access to provide reports as needed to assist with this task. The SPH accountant is also available to pull reports upon request. Each department and/or center is provided with specific information relative to each grant and/or contract faculty may have.  This information is used to verify any purchases may fall within the specific guidelines of the grant/project/contract.


Last reviewed/revised: 04/2019

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