Offspring Study

Pregnancy 24/7 study participants click here to learn more about this study!


The Offspring Study is a 5-year observational cohort study funded by the National Institutes of Health. This is an extension of our Pregnancy 24/7 Study. In this project, we will examine how 24-hour behavioral patterns (sedentary behavior, sleep, and physical activity) in each trimester of pregnancy is associated with offspring growth and cardiovascular health through 2 years of age. The goal of this work is to identify optimal behavioral patterns during pregnancy to improve future health outcomes for the child.

Logo of a mother holding her baby

Overview & Details

Participants will have one virtual visit and one in-person visit.

At the virtual visit (~30 minutes via Zoom or phone), when your child is 12 months of age (or as soon as possible after your child is 12 months of age), we will: 

  • Explain all study procedures, answer your questions, and obtain your consent to participate in the study if you choose

  • Update medical history and address information for you and your child

  • Request contact information for your child’s primary health care provider for copies of their medical records.

  • Complete a brief set of surveys (~10 minutes to complete)

Your child does not need to be present for this virtual visit.

Before the in-person visit, when your child is approximately 24 months of age, we will:

  • Ask you to complete additional surveys (~60 minutes to complete)

At the in-person visit (60-90 minutes), we will:

  • Measure your height, weight, and blood pressure

  • Measure your child’s height, weight, waist circumference, and skinfold thickness on their back and arm

  • Measure your child’s blood pressure (on arm) and pulse waves (on arm and leg) using blood pressure cuffs

  • Provide an activity monitor for your child to wear with an elastic belt on their waist for seven days following the appointment

The in-person visit will take place at the West Virginia University. In extenuating circumstances, we may be able to complete the in-person visit at your home. If unable to take part in the in-person visit, you can still participate in study procedures that can be conducted remotely (partial enrollment).

The study will also use your child’s medical records to collect details about your child’s weight, length, head circumference, and health conditions that may affect his or her growth from all well-child clinic visits between birth and 30 months of age. This information will be kept confidential.  

You can earn up to $200 for completing all study visits. Participation in this study is voluntary and you are free to discontinue at any time.  

Selected Publications

Jones, M. A., Whitaker, K., Taverno Ross, S. E., Davis, K., Libertus, K., & Gibbs, B. B. (2022). Maternal sedentary behavior and physical activity across pregnancy and early childhood growth. Childhood obesity18(6), 399-408.

Jones, M. A., Catov, J. M., Jeyabalan, A., Whitaker, K. M., & Barone Gibbs, B. (2021). Sedentary behaviour and physical activity across pregnancy and birth outcomes. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 35(3), 341-349.

Jones, M. A., Whitaker, K. M., Paley, J. L., Thrower, A., Stoner, L., & Barone Gibbs, B. (2023). Brachial-femoral pulse wave velocity in 2–4-year-old children: a feasibility study. Blood pressure monitoring, 28(1), 11-16.