Faculty and Staff Profiles

Michael McCawley
Michael McCawley Occupational & Environmental Health Sciences
Science needs to be done in the public interest and given the opportunity to find the truth. It's important to the people of the state of West Virginia.
Ranjita Misra
Ranjita Misra Social & Behavioral Sciences
I’ve had the privilege of combining my unique background and global perspective in health education to improve teaching, community- and clinic-based interventions and public health service.
Steve Davis
Steve Davis Health Policy, Management & Leadership
One of the greatest feelings is witnessing the exact moment when a student finally understands a difficult concept. It is in those moments that I am reminded why I was called to teaching service.
Elizabeth Claydon
Elizabeth Claydon Social & Behavioral Sciences
I have the kind of job I have always dreamed of, which allows me to research in order to help others, mentor students and engage with the community.
Christa Lilly
Christa Lilly Epidemiology and Biostatistics
I think biostatisticians have the best job in public health since we get to work with all these amazing students and their projects!
Toni Morris
Toni Morris Social & Behavioral Sciences
Even though you are navigating uncharted territory, the journey is fascinating and exciting. Take advantage of as many opportunities and experiences as you can.
Erik Carlton
Erik Carlton Health Policy, Management & Leadership
Seeing [my students] successes and the impact I can have through others' careers is far more rewarding than any personal accomplishment.
Scot McIntosh
Scot McIntosh Office of Academic & Student Affairs
I love meeting our students who come from all over the state, country and world. It's incredible hearing their stories and to see the greatness and potential that exists in each of them.
Darren Liu
Darren Liu Health Policy, Management & Leadership
I hope our students will inherit an interest in issues that are the pride of our University by appreciating diversity and generating approaches to its implementation before they exit.
Bradlee Cain
Bradlee Cain Academic & Student Affairs
Helping students discover their personal and professional interests is the most rewarding aspect of my job. There will never be a better feeling than seeing someone achieve their path to success.